#HumlyHumans - Credit Controller

Robert - Credit Controller, Humly UK
1. How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
Analytical, Inquisitive, Driven, Positive, Altruistic.
2. How long have you worked for Humly?
2 years
3. Can you describe what you do day-to-day?
I’m a Credit controller within the hard working finance team at Humly. I am responsible for chasing client invoice balances, posting payments, resolving invoice queries and maintaining a healthy cash flow within UK operations.
4. What’s the most challenging part of your job, and how do you usually challenge it?
The most challenging part of my role is being the last point of communication of the client’s journey, dealing with outstanding invoice debts can sometimes bring with it difficult queries, miscommunications and customer experiences that might not reach the heights of Humly’s standards. I have the opportunity and responsibility to put these wrongs right by investigating bookings, solving invoice queries, communicating with consultants and reaching a harmonious agreement that best suits the client and Humly with the aim of maintaining positive trading relationships and keeping our client’s on board with Humly which is a very rewarding feeling.
5. From your experiences as a Credit controller at Humly, what do you believe are some of the most essential skills or attributes needed to thrive in this role?
In my experience as a credit controller, I feel the most valuable skills I have picked up along the way are to be patient chasing debts as we need to work in synergy with our clients and not needlessly rush clients to pay and risk tarnishing valuable trading relationships.
There are many reasons that a client may not be in the best position to pay a debt balance. I feel it is important for me to be understanding of this and weigh up the best options available to support them.
Open minded
I feel it is important to be open minded at the first point of contact when dealing with a debt. Listening to the client and gathering as much information as possible is valuable to assist in investigations towards resolving debts. It’s not always the client's fault that the debt occurs, I feel we must be open minded to take on board when a client expresses dissatisfaction and use the feedback to help improve our services moving forwards.
Facts and Data
With the above being said, I equally believe that we cannot take verbal claims as fact and thorough investigations must be carried out and ultimately, decisions must be taken based on the facts and proof which is obtained.
Following policies
Following policies & procedures always helps and serves as a valuable guide to refer to when investigating disputes.
Treating clients equally and fairly
It is important to always follow policies & procedures and implement fair actions and treat all of our clients equally.
6. What’s one professional achievement you’re most proud of?
In a previous role, I was part of a large team of credit control agents. I managed to impress management with my results and I was promoted to a senior credit control role. I was entrusted to update debt flow reports and I had the opportunity to attend company board meetings and present debt data to directors.
7. What do you do outside of work to unwind?
I like to play guitar, I follow Birmingham City as much as I can, do a bit of casual gaming now and then, read graphic novels (more DC than Marvel), and try not to avoid the gym…
8. Where is your favourite travel destination?
Sorrento, Italy is the place where I proposed to my now fiancée, Daisy and it will always have a place in our hearts. I also love pasta!
9. Tell us something interesting about yourself.
I was born in a British military base in Münster, Germany.